now, in more chronological order than not, search engine queries which found my blog (since june 2002–multiple occurences noted in parentheses):
- Its on the tip of my tongue (4)
- humorous naked bbq photos
- from the tip of my tongue
- tongue cleaning
- 160a stanford
- Jon Lipps
- jonathan lipps stanford
- jonathan lipps (2)
- sores tip of tongue (3)
- Stanford CoHo summer hours
- divx to vhs
- fake languages conlangs
- stanford blog
- my spacecoaster
- how to draw cool spaceships
- Erin Spokes (3)
- being sick and have a few little sores on tongue
- i burn my tongue picture
- medical problem i can’t taste sweet on my tongue
- human tongues list of tongue sores
- conversational spanish classes dallas
- tip of my tongue lyrics
- tongue
- how long it takes to move into an apartment
first things first: if you were the person searching the net for “humorous naked bbq photos”, please do not come back to this site. ever. likewise for the seeker of “i burn my tongue picture”.
secondly, i simply find it odd that (1) many of these searches actually happened [we are now using the internet to ask questions like, “how long does it take to move into an apartment”???? as long as it takes you to move your stuff, buddy!! come on], and (2) people who were serious and specific enough to look for “medical problem i can’t taste sweet on my tongue” strayed from their search and came to my page. which, and it were obvious, has nothing to do with that at all.
thirdly, it’s a little bit dishearening that just as many people found my blog looking for my friend erin as found it looking for me. ah well.
virtual disc on spin: come away with me | norah jones