i realized today that there are two things which really move me: music and philosophy. music is the poetry and the philosophy is the syntax, the logic, which makes the beauty possible. music is the paint, and philosophy the canvas. of my life, maybe.
alex told me today that i am a gatsby; that what is really important to me is “girls”. that i am only really excited when i am involved in them, and dull and cynical otherwise. whatever that means: alex zane is a deep man i can’t claim to understand.
are these two characterizations of my life contradictory? it’s a good question, and left as an exercise to the reader. some considerations to help you [the reader] in answering: are we talking about life goals or persona descriptions? do girls really not equal music and philosophy (definition of all terms required here)? could alex zane just be wrong?
in any case, thanks to all of you who have so far responded to the last post, and keep it coming.