today i finished my last final paper for spring 2003. i’m free! until september.
thus, i will now present to you my somewhat-ambitious reading list for the summer 2003, in no particular order:
1. the chronicles of narnia, c.s. lewis. it’s been awhile since i’ve read these, and i picked up a beautifully illustrated hardback version.
2. christianity and the nature of science, j.p. moreland. pretty decent phlosophy. i started this one last year sometime and it’s been collecting dust. time to put it to rest for good.
3. the silmarillion, j.r.r. tolkien. i’ve read it 4 or 5 times, but just ordered a nice illustrated hardback version (i’m into those i guess) from so i look forward to savoring it.
4. no free lunch, william dembski. the follow-up to the design inference. an argument against certain forms of evolution, from information theory. pretty interesting.
5. signs of intelligence, dembski et al. an easier-reading survey of the current trends in the intelligent design community. i’m a bit skeptical of this one but it’s short, so why not.
6. god and other minds, alvin plantinga. top-notch philosophy from my current hero. plantinga is the man.
7. the structure and interpretation of quantum mechanics, r.i. hughes. yep, it’s what it sounds like: a [hard] book on the philosophy of quantum mechanics. i couldn’t get enough in class, i guess.
8. an introduction to mathematical logic, herbert enderton. this was my phil 160a textbook. i thought i’d pick it up again for a bit of light reading.
9. ultimate japanese. we’ll see if i continue to study after my tokyo trip. japanese is fun.
10. harry potter: the order of the phoenix, j.k. rowling. she is also the man (“the man”, you know, like…authoritarian society…or something). harry potter is cool.
11. the spanish new testament, mostly paul. i’ve been reading this semi-consistently for about a year now. i want to finish it this summer. and move on to portuguese. or japanese if i can find a bible there, and get decent readability.
12. how people grow, cloud & townsend. a christian book. it might be good, or it might not. i have heard good things about it. i will decide when i read it.
13. the emergent church, some guy. about the postmodern church or something. which is so…90s. haven’t you heard? post-modernism is out, man! the book is “required reading” for the leadership team of ccc. who knows, it might also be good!
i’ll check in at the end of the summer and let you know how many of the books i actually read.
i’m also planning, of course, on finally beating warcraft iii, a jewel of contemporary computer gaming, and enter the matrix, which, if you haven’t played it, makes you feel damn cool, like a jedi. or neo.
lastly, i bought the new canon s400 digital elph. it is like a beautiful woman. i will call her arwen, since she is an “elph”. arwen just took a picture of me, which is weird because the light in my room is weird. but here it is! it’s a hello from me picture.