
Criticism As Inspiration

Welcome to my new home! Please feel free to have a look around and check out the changes I’ve made to the site. Also, feel free to leave some comments with impressions about the design or anything else. Finally, sit back as I relate the answer to your deepest, most burning question: “Why does that silly Jonathan Lipps need a new blog design every few months?”

Well, the short of it is, after a year and a half with Blogger, I decided that our relationship really wasn’t working out anymore. Now enter Movable Type, with whom I flirted earlier this summer in helping Jason to re-make his weblog. Since then, I’ve been dreaming of switching over myself, and have just been waiting for the perfect opportunity.

Now enter said perfect opportunity in the form of schoolwork. One (you, for example), wouldn’t think that schoolwork could be an opportunity for web design, since they both generally compete for my time. However, I have found that it is really only when I have serious work to do that my procrastination takes the form of a useful endeavor. If I had no schoolwork, I would “procrastinate” by playing video games or climbing or running or playing guitar. If I were to state the principle more broadly, it might be this: the more serious the workload, the higher the utility of my procrastination. All in all, I’m sort of a fan of this way of life because it makes me more productive when I am supposedly “loaded down” with work. Backwards, I know.

But there, you’ve got a bit of the story behind this particular design change. As for the chronic nature of my re-design tendencies, I don’t have a particularly good answer. I do, however, have a chronicle of these chronic itches [that was some kind of literary device I used there: “chronicle”/”chronic” right together like that] located in the ABOUT section of this website. Check it out!

So much for that. Anyway, I hope you’re happy with the new interface and I hope you use it well. Unfortunately, all your comments from my old blog have been completely lost. The upside to this is that, the way I had them before (using YACCS), they would all be lost eventually anyway. Now your comments will be stored with each entry forever, and never archived or made invisible. So comment away!

Lastly, I do apologize for not having written in such a long time. My life is interesting right now and I know you’re all dying to live vicariously through me [“dying to live” — that’s another literary device there]. I am just hoping that the sweet awesomeness of this new site will make up somewhat for that lack. Cheers!

By Jonathan Lipps

Jonathan worked as a programmer in tech startups for several decades, but is also passionate about all kinds of creative pursuits and academic discussion. Jonathan has master’s degrees in philosophy and linguistics, from Stanford and Oxford respectively, and is working on another in theology. An American-Canadian, he lives in Vancouver, BC and has way too many hobbies.

10 replies on “Criticism As Inspiration”

Hi there,
I just “happened” upon your weblog… and am quite excited that you have homestarrunner linked from your page! I am also a fan…

that’s all!

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