Of course, it never seems like work because of the two 6-CD cassettes which have contained the same Christmas CDs for what must be a decade (the continuity here lets us know that this Christmas, though it might be in a completely different year than before, is really going to be the same sort of thing), because of the cookies my mom makes, and because of the egg nog. I have always liked egg nog more than is perhaps considered normal, and wouldn’t mind if it were available year-round.
Unfortunately, my family had to do all these things without me this year, since I wasn’t able to go home for Thanksgiving. That notwithstanding, I resolved to do something to get into a Christmassy sort of mood, and so the three of us that are left in my suite at the moment went out and bought a tree, some decorations, and, of course, egg nog. Then we had ourselves a merry little Christmas party while putting things together and discovering (after a succession of empirical tests) the best ratio of Safeway Lite Egg Nog to Beverages N’ More’s [not quite] finest brandy. The answer, of course, was all in the nutmeg to begin with. Music was courtesy of the Canadian Brass, whom we had imprisoned in a tiny glass disc and made to play just about all the standard tunes.
It was an exciting event, being the first time I’ve ever decorated a tree without my family. I’m fairly sure that at some point I’m going to get a picture printed of myself, Kyle, and Justin with the tree, and stencil “Our First Christmas!” on it as a really awesome joke. But for now, let this picture suffice. Our wonderful little tree, replete with tin-foil Star-of-David and holy glow (and that without Photoshop, I might add).

3 replies on “O Tannenbaum”
Merry Christmas to my farovite suite. I heart all of you boys. Your tree is beautiful. I wish i was there to see it in person.
A very fine tree indeed. Well done my friend.
Did you just get a comment from J the O?! Score!