The Sunnybrook house
Last weekend I went home to say goodbye to our house (above), which we’ve lived in for almost exactly 4 years. On the way there from San Jose I passed through San Luis Obispo, CA, Los Angeles, CA, and Chicago, IL, for a total of 15 hours in airports and 9 on planes. At least the horrible travel experience wasn’t a complete waste: I wrote this awesome paper, a 20-page term paper for a philosophy of mind class, which I’m afraid will be ripped to shreds by my professor despite its inherent awesomeness. The highlight of the Orlando trip was not being stuck on planes, obviously, but sitting in the hot tub for hours 3 nights in a row. Goodbye, sweet hot tub!
And then,

Me on a traverse in Castle Rock. Dav is cameraman
My family came to California to visit our new apartment in San Francisco (where my dad will stay the weeks he is working out here), and so I had to take David bouldering at Castle Rock. Fun times, but unfortunately for me at no point during this great week did I get either of my other two term papers done. And now, I am packing for Thailand, a country I will be leaving for in just about 12 hours’ time. I am going because I figured I should take off finals week, I wanted some more airline miles, and I’ve never been. I have never been to Thailand, but in the past few weeks there have been plenty of people who were willing to give me their opinions of the it: the food is great, the beaches are great, the climbing is great, and the hookers are great…Incidentally, I learned that the area of Thailand I will be visiting supposedly has some of the greatest sex-per-dollar ratios anywhere. But that’s neither here nor there, since I’m not typically into visiting brothels, you know.
But that’s not the end of it! Like my life is some non-stop action movie of sweetness, after I fly back into California from Thailand next Friday, I pack up some warmer clothes and drive to Utah with my roommates, for half a week of snowboarding. When we get burned out on the slopes we’ll drive to SoCal for some beach relaxation and a stay at Dan’s place.
Somewhere admidst all that awesomeness, I’ve got to cough up some more term papers. But I’m losing motivation fast, which means things will probably go quickly (since the less motivation I have, the less I care how well my papers are written).
In any case, this will probably be my last transmission from Jonathanland until Spring quarter rolls around and I’m back at classes for what may be the last time of my life. Until then, sweet dreams and send money to my PayPal account. Key term for this entry: “awesomeness”.
1 reply on “No Rest for the Weary”
OMG. moving house again???