A few weeks ago, Claire and Lara (and therefore me by some kind of implication, I hope) started a weblog with the kids here at Tumaini (the orphanage where I’m “volunteering” in Kenya). I haven’t personally had time to give a decent entry on Kenya or Tumaini itself, which is an amazing place, and full of amazing kids. So I’m happy to be able to point you to their weblog, to get some idea of the craziness that goes on here!
As a note of celebration, Claire and Lara just found out that the blog has been given Blogspot’s Blog of Note award! We’re hoping the guaranteed publicity that comes along with the high-profile link will lead to greater support for the kids here. I’d love for you to check out the weblog, read some of the (alternately hilarious and heart-breaking) entries, and leave comments for the kids (who are understandably amazed that people from the US would care to talk to them).
I leave Kenya for the States in just about a week; some retrospective articles are forthcoming, though they will probably wait till I’m back in the “developed” world!
2 replies on “Tumaini Kids Weblog”
hey J,
thanks for the link to the blog. pretty sweet those kids. i don’t envy you returning to the states next week – no doubt that’ll be fun for the first while…speaking of america, that show ‘american idol’ is doing a little segment called ‘idol gives back’ – all the votes voted actually have cash value – sponsored by coca-cola and others…so millions will be given to those in africa and victims of hurricane katrina. bono will actually be on the show tomorrow night. there’s a little tidbit of some recent pop culture trivia.
i hope you enjoy your last days.
thanks for the pop culture update. i generally wouldn’t know stuff like that even when i was in the states–i rely on others to filter news for me. cool to know.
yeah, back to the US…hmm….