
official philosophy day

it’s late but what the heck.

i had a very eventful day, filled with unordinary things. first, i had greek, which was not unordinary. but, while i was in class i did still a cherry yogurt and an apple pastry, mmm.

then i went to the middle of the quad and read for an hour. what did i read? the proofs for the soundness and completeness of first-order logic. it’s completely insane. i’ve never done either of these things before, so they count as unordinary.

after that i attended a lecture by dr. john perry (prof i’ve had) on the existence of god and evil. i found out about the talk late last night. it wasn’t a bad talk by half, but as perry doesn’t believe in god, the focus was obviously on why evil hurts the idea of god’s existence. all the same it was well-given, if not particularly new, and i asked some questions that he seemed to think were intelligent. all that was unordinary.

from then [lunch] until 5pm, i worked on my philosophy of knowledge paper. it’s a paper on why gettier counterexamples are invalid. if you care to know what that means, you should talk to me, because very few people do. the paper is frustrating, because at times, i feel like i’ve really got something important to say that no one’s really said before, and at other times i feel like my main point could actually be completely wrong. it’s not a good feeling.

so at 5 i took all that frustration for a run. i ran the campus loop, plus a little extra, which is 4.5 miles. i’ve not run that much nonstop for close to 2 years! in fact i didn’t think i would be able to make the whole loop, but i just kept running and it all worked out fine. i did it in just under 40 minutes, which i felt was a great pace for me. this was very unordinary.

so, a quick dinner, a little more paper work, and then i was off to the last veritas lecture. it was given by os guinness, great great grandson of the guinness who founded guiness breweries. in fact, both the catholic priest who introduced him and he himself began with guinness beer jokes. heh. irish.

the talk itself was on truth and modern culture, and i found it fascinating. i love it when smart christians say smart things and can think on their feet.

to end the day, i came back to the room and worked a few more hours on the paper. still not being able to decide if the topic is worth pursuing or not. drat. then around midnight i decided to write a computer program, so i broke out the old c++ studio and started trying to remember my rusty coding skills. they’re starting to come back, so i’ll have fun working on this project. it’s a webpage statistics log analyzer for my website. sort of like those web stat things you can get added to your webpage, only i’m making one from scratch. stupid, eh?

so the day was full of lots of things. now i’m exhausted, but i think i’ll do a little working out, take a shower, and then hit the sack. over and out.

virtual disc on spin: supernova | the echoing green

By Jonathan Lipps

Jonathan worked as a programmer in tech startups for several decades, but is also passionate about all kinds of creative pursuits and academic discussion. Jonathan has master’s degrees in philosophy and linguistics, from Stanford and Oxford respectively, and is working on another in theology. An American-Canadian, he lives in Vancouver, BC and has way too many hobbies.

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