
strands of activity

if by the previous post you infer that i had a bad weekend, this would be false. the weekend was so good and relaxing–i saw three movies (count of monte cristo, lord of the rings, and harry potter) all for free, and that’s always a good thing. i worked for hours on enaselvai, since i’m designing a computer font that will be like the characters above, only typeable in any windows application. there’s one problem: there are about 435 distinct character configurations in my language. this is due to the fact that every consonant and vowel group is combined into a single character. now, it might sound complicated, but it’s not–once you know the characters (there’s only 20 actual characters), it’s very easy to write. a computer, however, can only write left to right or right to left–not left then up then down then right, as i happen to need it to. so designing a font led to some dead ends which i am trying to work around. no luck so far.

the font idea slowly fizzling, i decided to translate into my language the one text which every conlanger translates: genesis 11:1-9, the babel text. it’s become a symbol for many conlangers, since it tells the story of the original derivation of many languages from one language. so, i’m still working on it, and will post it when i’m done. it’s actually quite a bit of work, because i’m having to make up words and grammar as i go along, and make sure that everything fits.

that was my weekend. and you might wonder, why then the previous post? i’ll tell you–because it was necessary.

today itself has been great too. i went to class, did some work, did some language stuff, went to the climbing wall for an hour and a half, ran a little over two miles, and went to small group. i’m now pleasantly sore, pleasantly tired, and pleasantly ready to be done with this quarter. my contacts, however, are not pleasant–they suck (you might notice this being a recurring theme).

in other news, pending a notice from the financial aid office, i’ll be applying to co-term in philosophy for the next year to two years. this is a pretty big decision for me, but i feel like it’s a smooth, logical, and good step to take. i’m praying that by getting in or not getting in, god would show me what to do! and if i don’t get in, no bother–i’m only a sophomore after all and i’ve got another year yet to do virtually the exact same thing and end at the exact same time.

more news: this server was down yesterday for quite a while, and i apologize. my new web host is not treating me very nicely, and it pains me to say this but i might be thinking of moving again. sorry! of course, you probably wouldn’t notice because the site address would not change this time.

thanks for the recent comments. karin, the funny script at the top is a script i have developed for a language i’m currently creating, called enaselvai. a word of the day appears whenever i update it to the right!

virtual disc on spin: the faithful anchor | unwed sailor

By Jonathan Lipps

Jonathan worked as a programmer in tech startups for several decades, but is also passionate about all kinds of creative pursuits and academic discussion. Jonathan has master’s degrees in philosophy and linguistics, from Stanford and Oxford respectively, and is working on another in theology. An American-Canadian, he lives in Vancouver, BC and has way too many hobbies.

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